About page updated: email info

Finally got around to doing something I’ve been meaning to do for a while: make an email address for this blog!

So if you want to email me about a new post idea, or send some cool links, or just wanna say hi, then head over to the “Contact Me!” page and drop me a line! 🙂

(Many thanks to Matt of the awesome book review blog The Book Blogger for the suggestion of adding Contact Form!)

About lupachi1927

My name's Megan, and I'm a writer and library employee with an interest in history and research. This blog is an outgrowing of historical research for one of my unpublished novels, and it has since grown over the years into what I hope is a decent resource hub for others interested in Chicago during the 1920s. If you're looking for research help or just want to say hi, feel free to drop me a line! :)
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4 Responses to About page updated: email info

  1. I updated my ‘About’ page recently (in a different way), I rejigged the layout and the tone of the page. Personally I feel that a good method of contact is to insert a form (so that you try and limit the amount of spam you can get, as your email cannot be seen by others without you replying to someone’s email); but that’s only my opinion.
    All the best, Matt


    • lupachi1927 says:

      That’s a great idea, thanks! Is it easy to code? I haven’t looked around yet to see if there’s a premade thing for WordPress.com—that’s a good point, I don’t want endless spam…

      Liked by 1 person

      • There is a premade thing. If you edit the page from the dashboard (in the old school type editor), there is a button which says ‘Add contact form’. With that, you can create a form which has various fields which can be required or optional.
        Best, Matt


  2. jazzfeathers says:

    I’m so happy you did this. A couple of times I wanted to contact you and had no means to do so, I had to resort to the comment section 🙂


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